Presentation Decks
Using InDesign and Canadian Geographic's vast photo library, I reconceptualized the organization's B2B presentation deck and proposal packages. 
Widescreen digital pitch decks with sharp photography and clean typography were designed in tandem with their 8.5" by 11" printed-and-bound counterparts, which are also made into PDFs for emails.
Full presentations and proposals are available to view upon request.
Custom Publishing
Designer of custom publishing projects for partners of Canadian Geographic Enterprises, including this book for Métis Nation – Saskatchewan.
Magazine Production
I was the Production Coordinator for more than 100 issues of Canadian Geographic — including Canadian Geographic Travel, Géographica, special interest publications, and custom publishing issues — between 2012 and 2018. 
This included:
Leading production meetings with editorial and art departments
Managing annual production schedule
Managing ad insertions and pagination
Designing house ads and making layout changes
Prepress, colour proofing, InSite approvals, and press-side approvals
Photo research and copyright coordination
Magazine and photo archives
Media Kits
I redesigned the media kit into a visual-rich presentation to potential advertisers. 
This required extensive table formatting in InDesign.
Full PDFs of past media kits are available upon request.
Giant Floor Maps
Canadian Geographic Education produces Giant Floor Maps, which are maps printed on giant pieces of tarp. These encourage kids to walk on and learn about the maps.
While at Can Geo, I helped with:
Text edits on vector cartography using Illustrator
Designing teacher's lesson plans to use on the map
Proofing, prepress, and printer coordination
Volunteering at public events
Report and proposal design
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