Research highlights
To highlight the papers that Canadian Science Publishing has published in its 22 scientific peer-reviewed journals, booklets of paper abstracts were developed for researchers and academics.
Expanding on existing branding, the booklet was redesigned by me.
Sales Catalogue
I completely redesigned the sales catalogue, turning it into a visual document that helped in exceeding sales targets in 2022 and 2023.
conference material
Most of CSP's 22 journals attend multiple industry conferences per year.
I designed postcards, posters, pull-up banners, advertisements, booth signage, and social media cards to accompany employees and Editors-in-Chief to these events. 
All products required extensive photo research to ensure that imagery correctly matched the scope and geographical locations of the journals they were representing.
Additionally, using existing branding, some posters were made using Canva.
Social Media Graphics
To advertise opportunities to publish with CSP, social media cards were designed by me. 
2024 Summit
Using Google Slides, I mocked-up the presentation that would appear on display in front of employees at the 2024 All-Staff Event (Summit). This presentation includes financial pie charts, slide transitions, and object animations.
I also mocked-up the employee satisfaction survey using Google Forms, accessible via QR Code on the last slide.
The full presentation can be viewed here.
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