2022–2023 Annual Report
Designed in 2024, the 2022–2023 Annual Report for Jewish Family Services – Vancouver was created to highlight the new JFS Strategic Plan, their new building, and the thousands of people they have helped in the past year.
To view the Annual Report in full, here is the digital version.

Housing Toolkit
The Housing Toolkit was developed to help those with housing insecurity in the Vancouver area. Designed as a printed book with spiral binding for easy writing, this tool walks user through the steps to find a stable living situation.
An interactive digital version was also created, which is printer-friendly and low in ink for those printing in libraries.
The digital version of the Housing Toolkit can be downloaded here.
The printed version (as a PDF) is available upon request.

A series of brochures highlighting JFS Vancouver's programs were designed by me. These were printed and distributed at JFS's office.